Mustafizur Rahman Details
About of Mustafizur Rahman, Mustafizur Rahman a top YouTuber in Assam and his YouTube Channel’s Name: Bhaity Music Company. Mustafizur Rahman Top Youtuber Assam
- Mustafizur Rahman is from Assam, Goalpara. He is only 25 Years Old.
- According to him, he earns money from YouTube which is highest in the Northeast.
- Using his monthly income he can buy two Mercedes-Benz C Class Cars. Now We know one Mercedes-Benz C Class Car price in India is about 45-50 Lakhs.
- Assamese youtube Mustafizur Rahman is also going to start an e-commerce based shopping mall in Goalpara soon.
- Mustafizur is the son of Carpenter. Earlier, his financial condition is not good.
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YouTuber Mustafizur Rahman of Goalpara The Richest Youtuber of Assam

Mustafizur Rahman richest YouTuber in Assam. Mustafizur Rahman has a total of 7 YouTube channels. His main channel by the name Bhaity Music Company a 5.33 Million Subscriber. Bhaity Music Company Channels all Videos are Entertainment. This channel upload only genuine music videos, short movies, funny videos & also make cover video song. Bhaity Music Company is a full entertainment channel. Mustafizur Rahman total owned 7 YouTube channels, all videos are millions of views. Millions of people watch his videos.