How to Apply SBI CSP

How to Register as a CSP ?

Oxigen will enrol you as a Customer Service Point (CSP) with SBI. This facility and partnership is only available for Oxigen New / existing retailers with PC/Laptop, Printer, Web cam & Web connectivity.

Existing Retailers appointed as CSP will work directly or under the RMU tree as per the existing arrangements with Oxigen. If you are new to Oxigen, you first enrol for an Oxigen Web Retailer and then apply for SBI Kiosk Banking, as a Non-Oxigen Retailer cannot be appointed as a CSP. Please follow the below steps for registering:-

  • Retailer needs to fill in an application form by downloading from: Please
  • Send the duly filled form along with required KYC Documents to

    Oxigen Services India Pvt Ltd,
    8th Floor, c/o COOFFIZ, Magnum Towers, Golf Course Extension, Sector 58, Gurugram, 122018, Haryana, India
  • This form will go through verification and approvals and once validated, the CSP is informed about the status of their request. If the form is accepted, the CSP is trained.
  • Post training, the CSP can start transacting.

The CSP has to meet the following Infrastructure requisites for the enrolling for this Service:

  • Size of Outlet: : Minimum 200 sq feet and must have a counter. There must be adequate room to attend to 5-6 customers at a time. This is essential to provide efficient and courteous service to the customers and at the same time attend to your regular business.
  • System configuration: PC with a minimum configuration of 20 GB hard disk, Internet connectivity, an Intel base chip or of superior provider, a web cam, a standard printer and Finger print scanner.

Following facilities are provided to the new CSP:

  • Biometric Reader and Software for electronic thumb impression- Oxigen Property
  • SBI Bank Account ID and Password
  • Software for access to SBI network
  • Sign board with Oxigen and SBI logo with retailer shop registered name (at the bottom of GSB)-Oxigen property
  • Commission and Special incentives from Oxigen

Read Also: Punjab National Bank CSP Online Apply | PNB CSP Apply Online

State Bank of India CSP Application Process

You should to be verified by your SBI Branch and You need to find your favorite Business Correspondent. I suggest a Business Correspondent to you below Name and Official Link.

How to Apply SBI CSP and Fill Online CSP Form

Go to Below Official Link and Fill Up Online Form

If CSP Available on your location Business Correspondent will contact you and they will collect your documents for SBI CSP Application process.

What are you will get facility in your CSP Center

The SBI Kiosk banking will provide the following services:
Money transfer to another SBI/BC account holder in other locations. Deposit of Cash. Withdrawal of Cash. Loan disbursement (This Service is yet to start). Current limit of Rs 20,000 per day per bank account holder.

Benefits for SBI CSP Retailer

  • New Revenue Stream from Mini-Banking
  • Easy Money Transfer
  • Even an existing SBI account holder can be your customer
  • Significant benefits from Oxigen on other servicesIncreased customer footfall
  • Trusted source for money transfer with a strong brand name SBI

Benefits for SBI Customers

Customers can get zero balance account with:

  • Minimum Balance -No minimum balance is required to be maintained in the account.
  • Maximum balance can be Rs 50000. (Only if customer will provide the KYC within 12 or 24 months maximum, remaining terms and conditions are same).
  • Customer can also open account with zero balance under PMJDY with KYC Limit up to 12 lacs.
  • Maximum limit of transactions is Rs10,000/- per day.
  • No Cheque book is issuedOnly the concerned account holders can do the cash transactions.
  • No charges levied to operate account.

Other Benefits include:

  • Home Loans/ Loan Against Property (Feature yet to be updated)
  • Auto Loans/Gold Loans/Small & Medium Enterprise (SME) Loans (Feature yet to be updated)
  • General purpose Credit Card (GCC)/Kisan Credit Card (KCC)
  • No Frill SBI Saving Bank AccountMutual fund on a Referral basis
  • Loans against Term Deposit Receipt (TDR)/ National Saving Certificate (NSC)/Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP)
  • Long banking hours: As long as the retail outlet is open (usually 8:00 am to 8:00 PM)Additionally, access to withdrawal of money through ATM card is provided to every customer above 18 years of age.
  • To promote business opportunity through SHG (Self help group)
  • Customer can also make small saving separately through RD remittance facility.

Read Also: Apply UCO BANK CSP Free of Cost Registration Now

Business Correspondent: Oxigen, SBI CSP Apply Now

What is SBI CSP salary?

How much do SBI CSP employees make? Employees at SBI CSP earn an average of ₹50lakhs, mostly ranging from ₹50lakhs per year to ₹50lakhs per year based on 1 profiles. The top 10% of employees earn more than ₹50lakhs per year.

How do I apply for SBI CSP Center?

Some of the documents that are required when you Apply for CSP Bank online include:

ID proof, such as Pan Card, Driving License, Passport, Aadhar Card, Election Card, or any other proof issued by the government.
Residential Proof, such as Electricity Bill, Aadhar Card, Telephone Bill, Ration Card, and Election Card.

Can I open account in SBI CSP?

You can open Bank Account in CSP. Jan Dhan Account opening services (Saving A/C) is allowed in CSP Center. Now Passbook Printing services available in CSP Center.

How can I get SBI CSP?
How to Register as a CSP?

Retailer needs to fill in an application form by downloading from: Please Click Here.
Send the duly filled form along with required KYC Documents to. …
This form will go through verification and approvals and once validated, the CSP is informed about the status of their request.

By Bank Loan Credits

Abdul Kuddus is the Founder & CEO at 5 Years Blogging Experience.