July 16, 2021Weekly Newsletter of CSCe-Governance Services India Limited WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY CSC DIWAS HIGHLIGHT Hon’ Minister of State appreciated CSCs efforts in Digital Empowerment of nation

On the occasion of CSC Diwas, Hon’ Minister of State for Electronics and Information Technology Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar congratulated VLEs and appreciated their efforts in the Digital Empowerment of nation. He said, “CSCs are fulfilling the vision of our Hon’ Prime Minister of inclusive growth.CSCs across the country celebrated foundation day Read more…
LEADAttention VLEs! For COVID Vaccine Registration, CSC SPV has credited Rs. 10 per registration

Dear VLEs!
As a reward for your successful efforts in the enrolment of citizens for COVID Vaccine Registration, CSC SPV has credited Rs. 10 per successful registration in your CSC wallet.CSC Bal Vidyalaya Foundation Day celebratedRead more…
IMPACTVLE Bhupinder Rai empowers villagers in Ludhiana through Jan Aushadhi and and PMGDISHA

Masters in Hotel Management, Bhupinder Rai started his CSC journey in Febauray, 2015. Through his CSC centre, he is providing services on Jan Aushadhi and PMGDISHA.VLE Dr. Anuj Sharma transforms Pathankot through CSC platformRead more…
GRAMEEN e-STORETata Tigor vehicle booked by VLE at Dinhata Coochbehar through Grameen eStore

CSC Grameen eStore is helping citizens to buy car with loan support. This is good model for VLEs helping rural citizens.Preethi Kitchen Appliances now available at CSC Grameen eStoreRead more…
EDUCATIONDigital Literacy uplifts minority communities in Maharashtra

After completing his graduation, Harshal Gajbhiye didn’t leave his native to seek a prospective job in the urban areas.PMGDISHA reaching masses in Malkangiri and AngulRead more…
INITIATIVECSC Bank Mitra registers 400 people under Atal Pension Yojana in Siliguri

Mhd. Safiqual Alan, a Bank Mitra of CSC, has done remarkable work in delivering social security schemes to people in rural areas of Siliguri district of West Bengal.Bank Mitra does remarkable Work, Opens 6000 Bank Accounts in Begusarai, BiharRead more…
STATE SCANAnimal Health Awareness Week celebrated in Uttar Pradesh

Human health and animal health are closely linked. We cannot safeguard public health without paying close attention to animal health.Bank Mitra does remarkable Work, Opens 6000 Bank Accounts in Begusarai, BiharRead more…
OFFERS & CAMPAIGNSNow you can update your demographic details in AadhaarSarkari Pariksha Mega Login Festival – Win at every stepSpecial offer for CSC Rural e-Mobility Sales e-AgentsGet notification alerts for Covid vaccine at VLE appLast opportunity for inactive VLEsRead more…

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By Bank Loan Credits

Abdul Kuddus is the Founder & CEO at bankloancredits.com. 5 Years Blogging Experience.